Stop - Tulip Time!

tulips in the Moonhouse Music garden

Whoops! Collective amnesia about blogs temporarily hit Moonhouse, until Spring sprung!

First an apology - a collective amnesia seem to have hit Moonhouse Music this year. We’ve been so busy building the business (so many exciting things to come this year!), that we forgot we even had a blog until a customer mentioned that they hadn’t had any horticultural updates recently…or for some time!

And thus we are officially picking back up the blogs just in time for the tulips to once again reappear in the Moonhouse garden. What a range of beautiful tulips! So many colours and shapes and sizes. Very much like our music book supplies which we’re focussing on at the moment, many new publications are in the offing from us and we’ll be starting to stock some fantastic new books from a range of other excellent independents. Blogs to follow with reviews!


Royal Mail Strike Disruption


A tale of two tulips